Feline acne may be ugly, causing your cat to have low self-esteem, and while it can be a benign, self-limiting problem in other cases it can be more problematic and cause your cat irritation and discomfort.
Why do some cats have pimples and some do not? No one really knows. Some researchers believe it is due to stress, inadequate grooming, hormones, or an overproduction of oil that plugs the hair follicles. Additionally, food
or underlying allergies (environmental or food) may cause your friend to have a “pizza face.”
Red bumps and blackheads are often found on the chin and lips of cats. Sometimes, they can become infected and filled with pus, causing your cat to seek relief by rubbing her face against things like the beige dining room rug or your favorite recliner—leaving unsightly, greasy stains.
While acne is usually more of and irritant eyesore than anything else, it can look similar to other diseases that should be ruled out by your veterinarian. Tests to rule out the possibility of mange or fungal infections, secondary bacterial infection and/or underlying allergies, may be necessary.
Once your veterinarian has diagnosed your cat with acne, she or he will prescribe a safe treatment, which could include a topical ointment or cream and oral medications.
Depending on the cause of your cat’s acne and presence of any underlying causes or secondary complications, your veterinarian may have additional recommendations including a change of diet, allergy testing, a course of antibiotics and removing any materials that may continue to cause irritation. Changing your pet’s bowls from plastic to metal or porcelain and cleaning them daily might also be recommended.
If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.