
Tapeworm Infection in Cats

Tapeworm Infection in Cats
It is totally disgusting to think that, in the early 1900s, it was vogue to consume tapeworms as an easy means of weight loss. This same type of tapeworm can sometimes live in your cat’s small intestine, feeding off the food he eats as it makes its way through his digestive system.

Hypoglycemia in Cats

Hypoglycemia in Cats
Hypoglycemia is often referred to as “low blood sugar.” When your cat’s body is deprived of sugar, its main source of energy, his ability to function declines and, in severe situations, loss of consciousness or even death can result.

Abscesses in Cats

A bite wound abscess is a fairly common occurrence, especially with cats who go outdoors. An abscess results when bacteria invade and infect a cut, scrape, or bite that a cat has received in the course of fighting with another cat or other animal.