
Is there such a thing as too many pets?

How many pets is too many?

Our very own Casey talks with Sue Mahar, President with the Cat Care Coalition spay/neuter clinic and the Adoption Coordinator for Noah's Kingdom Humane Society. Sue discusses whether or not there's such a thing as too many pets for a household, taking into account the health of the pets, space to roam, and the income of a given household as a measure of its ability to keep the pets happy and healthy.

Rabies 101

Rabies 101
Always fatal, rabies is a viral infection spread through the bite of infected animals such as foxes, raccoons, bats, skunks, and can be transmitted to humans.

Financial Assistance Organizations

A list of resources to help you pay your veterinary bills

We all want to keep our pets healthy, and the best way to do that is through regular checkups with the veterinarian. Sometimes those visits lead to the discovery of illnesses or conditions, which can lead to expensive treatments, surgeries, and medications. Then, the bills start piling up, and before long you're having a hard time keeping up financially. Other times, we wish we could take our pets to see our veterinarian more, but there just isn't enough money left over this month to do so.