
What Happens When Your Dog's Windpipe Collapses?

Tracheal collapse is exactly what it sounds like: a condition in which a dog’s trachea, or “windpipe,” collapses and causes airway obstruction and breathing problems.

The trachea is a tube made up of many rings of cartilage; these rings hold the trachea open, enabling it to transport air to and from the lungs. Sometimes, those rings weaken and collapse, and when they do, air is squeezed through a smaller-than-normal space. The result is a very noticeable, “honking” cough.

What Can I Catch from My Dog?

sick dog

Anyone who’s watched their dog go through a bout of diarrhea or the sniffles has probably wondered if they, too, were at risk of getting sick. So, can you get sick from your dog?

The answer is yes. There are a number of diseases you can contract from your pet, and they are known broadly as zoonotic diseases. The word “zoonotic” is used to designate any disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. The best known and most feared example of a zoonotic disease is rabies. Other common zoonotic diseases in dogs include:

How to Socialize a Puppy

socializing your puppy

Social skills are just as important for your canine pal as they are for each of us. A well-mannered, well-adjusted dog who can adapt to a variety of situations with new people and other pets will be a happier dog and a better companion for you.

What defines a well-socialized dog?

Pit Bull-Type Dogs

Are you thinking about adding a pit bull to your family? Owning a pit bull can be a very rewarding experience. From their eager-to-please demeanor to their loyal and affectionate natures, pit bulls capture the hearts of dog owners around the world.